Support Us

If you are a business or other organisation interested in partnering with us, or would like to make an in-kind donation, please contact us.

School Donations

We request an annual School Donation from all enrolled families of at least $25 per child.  Please donate via the NHCC School Donation Givealittle page. All donations to us are tax deductible so please keep your receipts!

School Donations go to our Overheads Fund, which currently needs to pay for one year’s worth of the following:

Accountant (including Xero not-for-profit monthly subscription fee and to put together year end accounts) $1,470

General Insurance (includes Public Liability insurance, Statutory insurance, Employers insurance) $1,171

Online Expenses (including Google for Work, website, domain) approximately $679 (depending on foreign exchange rate as items are billed in US dollars).

Employer ACC Levies(this will increase if classes/teaching time increases) approximately $440

Mobile Phone Prepaid Account ($20 monthly top up) $240

Total $4,000 for one year (about $333 of overheads per month)

Please donate via the NHCC School Donation Givealittle page.

Help with our Shopping

We need the following stationery items on a regular basis:


  • A4 and A5 laminating (matt lamination on at least one side of the paper so that it does not reflect light in class). Costs to us start from 75 cents for a single A5 paper lamination at Warehouse Stationery. We laminate about 10+ items a week.



School Holiday Programmes

All holiday programmes are taught/carried out in English and are for children that don’t necessarily want to learn Mandarin, but want to learn a new skill e.g. to cook an Asian meal, or who enjoy different experiences. Our teachers will also be present to provide Mandarin language learning support for those that are interested. The holiday programmes will help to fundraise for Ni Hao Children’s Community. We have no holiday programmes being held at this time.

Donate time

We need volunteers to help with one-off tasks like graphic design, being a musician, putting flyers up at your school, or longer term roles like being a social media intern. We will be putting more details up soon, but feel free to contact us!